Ahead of our Time - Made in Britain' Campaign Brand

A visually striking and 'with the times' new logo by the Partners now fronts the 'Made in Britain' campaign brand. The design, based on a quadrant of our Union Flag can be rotated to act as a pointer or arrow, used independently or alongside the brand name, which can be placed over one line or two and positioned beside, above or below the symbol.

I had a quiet chuckle to myself, as Voyage suggested something very similar to a young peoples' charity and it was blown out of the water. Probably ahead of our time? Maybe you should be the judge. However, make your own mind up. I love it and think that it's versatility and vibrancy captures the perfect essence of everything that is brand British in a simple, robust way! Well done to The Partners. Spiffingly Jolly Great Work work.

Made in Britain Logo

Made in Britain Campaign Logos